Harrisburg Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification and Training
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Our team at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Harrisburg High School Students of Pennsylvania helps professionals and students to get started with this methodology. We offer Yellow Belt Training and Certification, and although many believe this training is not available to students, we work with those in high schools and colleges so they can reap all the benefits that professionals and workers are able to bring to their careers for more opportunities.
Students will be able to access it if they are interested in projects or want to learn more about continuous growth and improvement, so they have advantages over their peers and other classmates.
We can tell you that a yellow belt certification will provide many great benefits no matter if you are a student or professional; these include:
- There are more job opportunities across all industries.
- Learn more about collaborations.
- You have many options for leadership roles when applying to job positions.
- Increase productivity and efficiency.
- Seek continuous improvement.
Before we dive into the details and discuss whether a Yellow Belt is right for you, let us first define what a belt actually is.
Lean 6 Sigma uses belts to denote levels, rather than using the regular scale of levels 1, 2, or 3, and so on.
Once you have successfully completed your training and you are certified as a belt, it is possible to show your proficiency in LSS, just like people would identify beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels.
Different companies and people use different schemes and colors to determine whether the method is at the beginning of the lower levels. They will use the same colors that they used for the karate belts beginning with the white belt.
We love the yellow belt because it brings benefits to both students and professionals. Unlike the white belt, it is not just a basic introduction to the methodology. Our students will not be able to work in companies or on LSS projects if we introduce them to the white ones.
Instead, when starting with the yellow belt and getting certified in it, they can participate in projects even if they are still high school or college students.
You will learn the basics of the method through the yellow belt training as it prepares you to participate in projects and adds value. It takes about the same time as a white belt, so companies will be more likely to hire you than someone who has been trained in the latter, as this comes with certification and the opportunity to take on small roles.
Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Harrisbugh developed a fantastic system for teaching this belt. This can be taught individually or in small groups, so you are free to request a program or individual training as needed.
Schools and businesses can get help in designing the right program for their staff. This means that there is no need to have each student or employee request individual training. This will allow them to collaborate and grow without any gaps in their training.
What Do People Learn During LSS Yellow Belt Training?
It will cover the basics of terminology, concepts, and how each structure is used. LSS history will also be included in the outline as we need our students to understand where everything came from and how it all ended in LSS today.
A yellow belt is usually completed in one to two weeks, depending on how much online training you have had and whether you can attend classes in person. You could also ask our team for help to make arrangements and schedule your sessions so you can finish sooner or take your time based on your availability.
Professionals and students can both take classes online or in person, allowing them to have the best schedule possible without interrupting their workday.

Now, regarding what you will learn, this is how you can see the outline of our yellow belt training:
- DMAIC basics.
- Data collecting.
- Principles and concepts.
- Six Sigma’s most important tools.
- Report and measurement.
- Terminology.
- History of Lean Six Sigma.
- How to work with LSS.
- You will learn problem-solving and decision-making skills.
- Learn how to develop strategies for projects and responsibilities.
Certification Is Possible After Training
You must pass our international exam to be able to have your certificate issued after you’ve completed your yellow belt training.
You can take the exam as soon as your training is over or a few days later once you schedule it with our team. Although you have ample time to review previous training sessions, it is important that the date is set with our team as soon as possible.
Students in high school and college have ample time to complete the process without feeling rushed. Business professionals will also find the schedule helpful.
For more information or to inquire about yellow belt training that is tailored to your needs, please contact us so we can also give you more information about getting certified if you have completed the training phase with other experts.