Lean Six Sigma High School-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Harrisburg

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Harrisburg High School Students

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Lean Six Sigma High School-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Harrisburg

Proficiency in Lean Six Sigma will improve the job prospects of professionals and students, even though many believe only college students can reap the benefits. If you have your doubts about high school students getting advantages from LSS, you only need to know this is possible due to the way the methodology teaches them and how it helps them improve their skills, as well as the emphasis on how to utilize them for projects, company’s goals and more. Anyone who can use LSS to improve their projects, systems, and processes will reap the benefits and be able to boost their personal growth, so don’t think that Lean Six Sigma for High Schools is a bad idea.

We know, whatsoever, that most experts don’t want to take on the task of implementing and teaching the methodology to this level, but fortunately, our team at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Harrisburg High School Students of Pennsylvania is here to offer a full program to all schools that want to integrate it for their students, or for individuals who want to take on the personal training to seek growth and their own benefits, which schools may not be interested in helping them with.

We open our main belts to ensure that they are certified and able to have advantages over their peers and apply for better job positions and opportunities in the future.

LSS is misunderstood to be a tool that only professionals or companies can use to improve their processes. The concept and idea of LSS have evolved over the past ten years whatsoever, and this is due to recent implementations and inculcation of LSS in education.

Lean Six Sigma’s strength lies in its ability to be used anywhere as long as qualified practitioners are involved. Its true value lies in its ability to be used by anyone who is qualified to improve any company’s processes or personal projects, so don’t think that what is valuable is the methodology itself. Instead, it is the person who holds the knowledge.

No matter what experience they have, high school students can find jobs at any company. This is possible as long as they have proficiency in LSS.

After all, the methodology allows students to learn skills they might have forgotten in high school or that they are unable to obtain due to poor education.

How We Allow High School Students to Get Trained

Only the yellow and green LSS Belts are available in our company. These are the only levels that students can access in the LSS methodology, as higher levels will require more training and experience.

These two are the most important:

  • The yellow belt focuses more on personal skills. This belt is designed for students who are looking to improve their self-confidence and manage their problems.
  • The green belt is team-based. They learn how to work together, problem-solve and develop leadership skills.

LSS concepts are taught in training. We want you to be ready and prepared to take the yellow belt if you have never done it before. You must be proficient in the first, so you can opt for the green belt. Otherwise, it will be difficult as the yellow belt offers all the information about the basics of LSS.

After completing the training, students should be able to understand the system and how an LSS group works. They will be able to use the information and hours they have spent learning it.

The belt, just like regular courses, will dictate the topics and skills covered.

  • Yellow Belt Outline.

All aspects of data collection, terminology, and methodology will be covered.

  • Green Belt Outline.

Lean 6 Sigma will be more accessible to them, and they will be able to use the methodology on a large scale. We want to encourage teamwork and leadership in order to help them achieve their goals.

This belt training covers key topics such as DMAIC, SIPOC and Risk mitigation, Regression Analysis, and Problem-solving.

DMAIC-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Harrisburg

This is How It Works with Our Team

Students can choose to get their certifications after they have completed their training. These are the steps:

  • Request our training in one of the belts (remember, a yellow belt is a prerequisite for the green one).
  • It is important to complete it.
  • Ask us to take our exam, which you must pass.
  • Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Harrisburg will issue the certification as soon as you prove compliance with the exam.

We are internationally recognized, so the certificates will be well worth it regardless of which belt or belts you have with us.

For more information, make sure to contact our team and let us know how you want to approach this training and who it is for.